Endodontics, from the Greek endo (inside) and odons (tooth), is a one of the nine specialties of dentistry recognized by the American Dental Association, and deals with the tooth pulp and the tissues surrounding the root of a tooth.
If the pulp (containing nerves, arterioles and venules as well as lymphatic tissue and fibrous tissue) has become diseased or injured, endodontic treatment is required to save the tooth.
Root canal therapy is not often necessary in routine cases. A tooth for it is usually identified when the root pulp chamber is thoroughly infected. The infection may destroy most of the nerves; thus, to save the tooth, a dentist at Clementi removes the infected pulp from within the tooth. The chamber is cleaned then sealed with a filling or a crown to block entrants for the same.

Image source: https://cdn.britannica.com/20/115520-004-7EC9A410/Root-canal-therapy.jpg
Why Do I Need It?
This happens when the nerves and pulp in the teeth get irritated, inflamed, or infected due to several reasons. Some of these reasons are as follows:
- Deep decay
- Multiple dental procedures on the tooth
- Large fillings
- Cracks or chips in the tooth
- Trauma or injury to the tooth
- Signs You May Require Root Canal Treatment
The following can be indicative that you will require root canal treatment:
- Throbbing pain in the tooth, while eating or upon application of pressure
- Prolonged sensation of heat/cold in teeth, which remains even after the stimulus has been removed.
- Discoloration or darkening of the tooth
- Swelling and soreness of the adjacent gums
- A persistent or recurrent blister on the gums
Consequences of Not Managing
If an infected tooth is not treated, the infection will continue to spread, causing increased pain and potentially leading to the formation of a dental abscess. This abscess can create actual swelling that spreads to the face, neck or head area. A developing infection could, however, make an opening to the side of the tooth and cause drainage into the gums or skin. In the absence of a root canal, extraction may be necessary for the tooth.
Duration of the Medication and Pain
Root canal treatment might require some visits depending on the case. First, an X-ray, then a look at the shape of the root canal, and if there is any sign of infection in the surrounding bone. Local anaesthesia is typically used to numb the area, ensuring patient comfort even if the nerve is dead.
After the Treatment
After the procedure, any pre-existing pain usually diminishes significantly. The treated tooth may be tender, and one is advised against chewing or biting with it until it is fully restored enough to avoid fracture of the tooth structure. Discomfort usually lasts for a few days.
Restoration Post-Procedure
This can range from a simple filling to an inlay/onlay or crown, depending upon how much tooth structure is left. When a great deal of the natural tooth is lost, a post may be installed to increase the height of the tooth and support the crown.
If the procedure fails, a second endodontic treatment, known as endodontic retreatment or repeat root canal treatment, may be possible. This can happen due to untreated curved or narrow canals, undetected complicated canals, new decay exposing the root canal filling, or an improper or loose filling or crown. Retreatment allows the tooth to heal properly and function well for years, if not a lifetime.
Alternatives to Retreatment
In such a case, the options shall be extraction of tooth followed by replacement with implant, bridge, or removable partial denture. These procedures generally require much more extensive surgery and procedures on adjacent teeth, therefore making them costlier and time-consuming comparably with retreatment or restoration of the natural tooth.
If you experience pain or sensitivity related to a toothache, swelling, or generally just have an annoying toothache, please contact a dentist near Clementi - Ginza Dental Surgery, as early as possible. In many cases, early treatment can save your tooth, allowing it to function fully and serve you for many more years, given proper care and oral hygiene.
Address Information
Ginza Dental Surgery
Blk 612 Clementi West St. 1, #01-302,
Singapore 120612
Tel: 6774 4901
Fax: 6773 2175
Operating Hours/Opening Days
For Appointment, please call
6774 4901
Monday to Friday (星期一至星期五)
9.30am - 12.30pm
2pm - 5pm
Saturday (星期六)
9.30am - 12.30pm
2:00pm - 4.30pm
Monday and Wednesday night (星期一及星期三晚上)
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Friday evening (星期五傍晚)
5.00pm - 7.00pm
Sunday & Public Holiday (星期日及公眾假期休息)